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Off the beaten track
In Tigray in northern Ethiopia, there are more than 120 rock hewn
churches. Visits can be arranged either as extensions to a northern trip or as a fuller
In the Amhara Region, not far from the main roads north and south there
are a number of interesting sites.
The old imperial capital at Debre Tabor near Bahir Dar, the church of
Mertule Mariam between Bahir Dar and Addis Ababa, the market at Bati where highlands and
lowlands meet, the fortress capital of Emperor Teodros at Maqdela - all these places can be
integrated into a main tour or provide the focus for an expedition.
The Yangudi-Rassa National Park, on the road to Assab, a sanctuary for the
wild ass, is excellent for birds. A trip to this area could take in the archaeological site at
Hadar, the saline lakes that mark the end of the awash River and the market of Bati, Ethiopia’s
largest cattle and camel market.
A loop through western Ethiopia could take in the town of Jimma, with its
museum and recently restored palace of Abba Jiffar, the last independent king of the
Driving west to Gambela, home to the Anuak, Nuer and Misingr people, the
road passes through mile after mile of tropical forest.
On the return journey to Addis Ababa you rescind the escarpment, passing
through the forest hillsides of Wollega and through the town of Ambo-a short detour can be
made to visit the very beautiful Wonchi Crater with its mineral pools, lake and islands.
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