.... and be 7 years younger!




















Arba Minch, Nech Sar, Mago and Omo parks

The focus of interest in this sector is people; in particular the different ethnic groups along the Omo River, although there is also marvelous scenery and wildlife. 

Arba Minch is situated by lake Chamo and Abaya, the most southerly of Ethiopia’s Rift Valley lakes. It is our base to explore Chencha, home to the Dorze people (famed for their bee hive shaped houses and their weaving skills) and Nech Sar Park. 

Further west along the Omo River a variety of different ethnic groups are found, such as the Arbore, Bume, Galeb, Karo, Hamer and Mursi, whose contact with the 20th century has come only within the last two decades but whose customs hint at ancient links with Egypt and the civilizations along the Nile.

The Omo, flowing for nearly 100 Km from the highlands south west of Addis Ababa to Lake Turkana in Kenya, provides excellent opportunities for white water rafting.

On the way to Arba Minch we will take in some important historic sites, the 1.5-1.8 million year old Neolithic site at Melka Konture, the 1000 year old rock hewn church of Adadi Mariam and the stelae field (dating from between 14th 16th centuries AD, or perhaps even earlier) at Tiya.

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Last modified: November 09, 1999